Akhil Gramin Yuva Vikash Samiti



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Akhil Gramin Yuva Vikash Samiti?

Akhil Gramin Yuva Vikas Samiti (AGYVS) was founded as a NGO in the year 1975 by a group of dedicated and committed social activists, who were inspired by the ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi and Jaiprakash Narayan to work for the creation of a just and equal society. It got registered under the Societies Registration Act in 1978 and under the Foreign (Contribution) Regulation Act in 1995.

What is the Mission of AGYVS?

To educate, organize and empower the rural poor to promote development as a liberating force aimed at social justice, economic growth and self-reliance.

What is the Vision of AGYVS?

To establish a just society where no one remain hungry, unemployed, illiterate and exploited.

What are the Values of AGYVS?
  • Social Justice and Equity
  • Gender and diversity
  • Autonomy
  • Collective action and solidarity
  • Accountability
  • Self-Sufficiency
Who is Key-Founder of AGYVS?

Subodh Kumar Pandey, Chief Functionary as well as Secretary.

What Registrations does AGYVS have?
How can I contact AGYVS?

You can contact us by writing a email on agyvs@agyvs.org or agyvs@rediffmail.com

Does we offer Employment?

Yes, We offer individual’s to work in different Projects. For details contact us.

How to get Involved?

AGYVS, offers various volunteering opportunities in various fields. If you are interested in joining  us please write us on agyvs@agyvs.org.

How can you work with us?

AGYVS, offers salary paid jobs to individual’s and also provides internship programmes. Regarding this you can write us an email or check our website for details.