Akhil Gramin Yuva Vikash Samiti

Financial literacy

The primary aim of these financial literacy camps is to foster financial inclusivity by offering education and easy accessibility. The objective is to empower both women and men in rural villages with knowledge that enables them to engage in financial planning, develop saving habits, and understand financial products better. This empowerment will facilitate the effective utilization of financial services, helping individuals anticipate life cycle expenses and manage unforeseen emergencies without resorting to debt. By gaining the ability to proactively manage their finances, individuals can avoid falling into debt cycles. To ensure that the knowledge gained translates into the adoption of banking behaviors, the educational components will be synchronized with access to financial services. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance economic security and dignity among participants. Certified master trainers from the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) will conduct the training.


Program Duration: November 2023 to January 2024

Areas Covered: Kanti, Marwan, and Musahari

Total Beneficiaries: 2500

Gender Group: Men & Women